Nutella is a delicious product that my dog ate. What should I do now?
If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of discovering your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t have, then you know how nerve-wracking it can be to try and figure out what to do next.
In my case, my dog ate Nutella! Here are some tips for what my vet told me about what to do when your dog eats Nutella.
Is A Small Amount Of Nutella Bad For Dogs?
A small amount of Nutella would not be bad for a dog. It’s not good food, either.
The biggest problem with this artificial sweetener is that it’s high in sugar and low in protein, which can cause weight gain if over consumed (which is easy to do).
Sugar also encourages bacterial growth within the mouth, which can lead to dental problems like cavities and periodontal disease.
And sugar promotes obesity by increasing hunger hormones while preventing nutrients from being stored in muscles when eaten.
It’s OK to spoil your pup with a spoonful now and then – just don’t make it regular practice!
What Ingredients In Nutella Are Particularly Harmful To Dogs?
One of the more common hazardous ingredients is xylitol which can cause a sudden decrease in blood sugar.
Xylitol is a sugar replacement, or artificial sweetener, used in many chocolates and other commercial food products.
It’s often described by manufacturers as being “natural” because it’s made from corn-derived glucose; that sounds natural enough, but to the body, it bears essentially the same relationship to glucose that MSG does – they’re both foreign compounds that bring about alarming changes in biochemistry.
Another harmful ingredient contained within Nutella I’ve found is crude palm oil aka Indonesian Palm Oil which has been known to be sold on Amazon for human consumption with contaminated soils and water sources.
The most serious problems that arise from eating Nutella can be attributed to the hazelnuts in it. They contain several chemicals, including benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid, which if eaten in excess can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.
Please trust that my pup’s reaction to Nutella is not an isolated incident: he also ate chunks of chocolate cake with frosting from my friend’s housewarming party (with her permission!) because his humans don’t buy him anything with sugar or flour at home.
He got a stomachache, but it was worth it for those 2 minutes when I had peace on our walk after!
Anyway, back on point… Hazelnuts are the problem ingredient here, my vet told me.
Benzaldehyde is a chemical that can cause nausea, thirstiness, and vomiting if eaten in excess amounts.
Meanwhile, Hydrocyanic acid causes all sorts of problems like respiratory distress or cardiac arrest – so my dog’s lucky he didn’t eat enough to warrant this!
The good news is that hazelnuts are typically not as harmful to dogs when consumed as other nuts because they contain much less hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric) versus almonds, which would be more dangerous.
Will Nutella Make A Dog Sick?
Could it make a dog sick? Nutella can be toxic to dogs, but there are some important considerations.
The answer to this question will depend on the size of the dog and how much you’re feeding them.
When too much is given, too often, dogs can certainly get sick from it if they haven’t had any experience with sugar before.
Dogs take in about four times as many calories per pound (calculated by weight) than humans do – so what’s safe for us isn’t always safe for our four-legged friends!
If someone is giving your pup something sweet every day (like human treats), then they might want to keep an eye out and cut back on other food items based on their feedback from their vet or other professionals.
Can Nutella Kill A Dog?
Yes, but it’s highly unlikely.
One report found that the number of calories in one teaspoon of Nutella has more than 200!
That’s enough to get the average dog into serious trouble.
But even 100-calorie portions can cause significant weight gain and other health issues for an adult dog.
Imagine what a child might do with a whole jar of Nutella!
How Much Nutella Can Kill A Puppy?
A significant amount of Nutella can kill a puppy.
Symptoms such as fever and convulsions are reported to arise up to five days after consumption.
One ounce (28 grams) has enough calories and fat content to lead to serious medical issues, particularly in puppies that are not yet fully grown.
The reason is because of the “preservative” levels in Nutella, which make it difficult for some animals’ bodies to process the sugar level in the product from other foods that have been limited from their diet.
What Happens When A Dog Eats Nutella?
When my dog eats Nutella, the most common symptom is vomiting and diarrhea, which usually happens within an hour or two of consumption. Not that fun!
However, when my vet asked me if my pup had any other symptoms like lethargy (did they sleep all day?) or a change in behavior (does the dog want to be left alone?), I realized it was possible he ate something else as well.
If your pet has eaten more than one thing at once – say chocolate and hazelnut spread- then the effects could overlap so you’ll need to call your vet for help with identifying what happened first before treating them both accordingly.
My Doctor Said To Give My Dog Pepto-Bismol
My vet told me to give my dog Pepto Bismol, as this would lower my pup’s stomach acid levels and cause food particles in the gut (and Nutella) to be less acidic.
This will stop an upset tummy from worsening and reduce any risk of intestinal blockage that could occur with a high amount of sugar present.
It is important to note that you should consult your veterinarian about how much liquid medicine they recommend before administering it so as not to overdose or underdose!
What Else Can I Do?
You can’t reverse what has happened already – but there are steps you can take after discovering your pet ate something he shouldn’t have:
- Monitor your dog for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. If he has any of these or additional symptoms that my vet didn’t mention when I called (see “What Happens When A Dog Eats Nutella” above), call your veterinarian immediately!
- Watch your pet closely to make sure they are not overindulging on other sweets/human food items too frequently while waiting to see how their body reacts with a more natural diet.
So there you have it, all of the information that anyone needs to know about what to do if your dog eats Nutella.
Hopefully, this blog post has been helpful and if you still have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below!