My Dog Ate Fish Food – What Should I Do Now?

I have a dog that is obsessed with fish food. It’s been going on for years and it’s a problem, but I don’t know what to do about it.

I feed my pet twice a day but he still manages to sneak some of the fish food out from his bowl when I’m not looking. 

He doesn’t seem to care if he eats all the time or even how much he gets every day as long as there is at least one piece of fish food in it for him! 

The worst part is that once my dog has eaten something, he starts begging and whining until I give him more because now that tastes good too!

What Is Fish Food Made of?

Fish food contains many different types of ingredients. Some kinds will be made primarily from meat, others will have grains or vegetables included in the mixture. 

Fish food can even contain nuts and berries as well there is a kind that uses cornmeal – and if your pet eats enough of it, this can cause problems since dogs are not supposed to eat any corn at all!

Is Fish Food Good For Dogs?

The answer is yes and no. Fish food has nutrients that are good for dogs to eat but it can also have harmful things in it like mercury, pesticides, or other toxic ingredients. 

These can be hard on a dog’s stomach as well as his liver and kidneys (if he eats too much of them).

How Much Fish Food Should My Dog Eat?

There’s no set rule about how much fish food to feed your dog each day but most experts recommend only giving them one or two small pieces per meal. 

This isn’t a good idea with goldfish owners though because they need more protein than other breeds so you may want to consider cutting larger amounts of fish food for these pets to eat.

What Happens If A Dog Eats Fish Food?

Dogs that eat too much fish food may start vomiting or have diarrhea and get sick. It’s possible they will become very ill and might need to see a vet if it doesn’t get better. 

If you think your dog has eaten too many fish treats, it’s important to watch him for symptoms of sickness right away!

Risks Related To Eating Fish Food In Dogs

The odds are that your dog won’t have any problems if he eats fish food.  However, there is the risk of having a little bit of stomach upset or feeling under the weather for a day or so. 

If you think your pet has eaten enough to be at risk of seriously getting sick, take him to the vet right away! If your dog has thrown up, call the vet or take him in right away.

Unfortunately, fish food does have some risk factors to it and dogs can be hurt by too much of what’s good for them.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Fish Food: If Your Dog Is A Goldfish Owner

If you have a goldfish tank at home, make sure you don’t let your dog near it if he eats fish food treats! 

Not only is there a considerable risk that your pet will jump into the water and try to grab a goldfish (which could end badly for both the cookie and the fish) but even getting close enough to an aquarium where there are goldfish is dangerous because they can get sick from eating pieces of fish food floating around in the water.

If you are a fish lover and your dog always manages to get his paws on some of the fish food, make sure that you have another trash can for it if you need to throw it away.  

Be careful not to leave it where your dog has access or he may eat part of it before throwing his own meal back up again!

What Are The Common Fish Foods That Dogs Might Eat?

There are several different varieties of fish food that dogs may be interested in. 

If you have an aquarium at home, some of the most common kinds to look out for are goldfish flakes, salmon strips, catfish sticks, and krill bits. It’s also possible that your dog might like other types of human-grade fish foods or even canned tuna if he has ever seen it before and knows what it is.

If you don’t have any fish food around the house but aren’t sure whether your pet would like it, try giving him something else with a similar texture first to see if he likes it. 

Many dogs love treats made from chicken hearts or liver so these are good things to test out first (keep in mind that these are not good foods for dogs to eat every day of the week).  If your dog seems interested in these treats, try different types of fish food and see which he likes best.

What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Fish Food?

If your dog has eaten fish food then you need to act fast! 

There are several steps that you need to take:  

1) Try to get the fish food out of your pet’s mouth – this might be hard because he will probably not want you near him while he’s chewing on a piece of fish food! 

2) Call the vet immediately – If you can’t get the fish food out of your dog’s mouth then he might have to go to the vet for some stomach pumping. If you catch it soon enough, this could save your dog’s life!  

3) Find out where it came from – In order to make sure this doesn’t happen again, you need to find out what is in that fish food so that you know which brands are safe and which ones aren’t.

A lot of pet owners don’t realize how much fish food a dog can actually eat until they see their pet gagging and getting sick because of it. 

When my dog ate fish food I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know exactly what was going on until we saw the vet. He told me that he had managed to save my dog’s life but that I needed to keep him away from fish food for the rest of his life.

Now I know that if I ever see my pet chewing on fish food, then I will have to get it out of his mouth right away, or else he might actually eat some. 

It was a smart idea for me to write this article because now all dog owners understand how dangerous fish food can be for their pets. Nobody wants them sick so they need to learn about these things and stop feeding them the stuff!

So What Can I Do About My Dog Eating Fish Food?

There are several things you can do to help prevent your dog from eating too much fish food and making himself sick in the process. 

Here’s how:

* Make sure your dog doesn’t get into his own bowl while you’re not looking (keep it up high on a stand if necessary). Or else try hiding part of his meal under the rug so he has to dig for it. You can also buy a treat-dispensing toy that will make him work for his snacks.

* If you notice your dog eating fish food, give him something healthier instead and take away the bad stuff immediately. This helps him learn not to go after it anymore but also gives you a chance to remove anything dangerous from his reach.

Treatment For Fish Food Poisoning In Dogs

dog with the vet

If your dog has eaten whatever it is that you found him with, pick it up quickly and don’t let him have any more. 

You should also keep a careful eye on your pet and watch for symptoms over the next twenty-four hours or so. 

Even if he doesn’t seem to be sick right away, you need to know what signs might indicate that he’s gotten ill from eating something bad.  

In general, vomiting or having diarrhea is probably going to be all there is but it’s possible that your dog could also have a fever or act sick in other ways.

If you think your pet has eaten something toxic, it’s important to take him to the vet right away for treatment! Depending on what he ate and how much, your dog may need to stay at the clinic overnight or longer while his condition is monitored. 

While waiting for the vet, try not to give him anything (no food or water) if he hasn’t thrown up yet so that there isn’t more stuff for his body to get rid of when he does get sick.  

Your vet will probably want him to start vomiting again so that any bad material left in his stomach can be flushed out of his system safely.

If Your Dog Has A Routine Checkup

You can also ask your vet to check for signs of fish food poisoning in your dog. 

If you know he has eaten some but doesn’t see any symptoms yet, take him in at once so the doctor can watch him and make sure that there isn’t going to be a problem later on down the road!  

Your vet will probably want to start by running blood tests, looking for evidence of liver or kidney damage from a toxin called ethoxyquin. This is one chemical often found in many types of fish foods today and dogs tend not to react well to it when they ingest too much.

If Your Dog Has Ingested Something Bad But Isn’t A Goldfish Owner

If your dog ate a lot of the food but seems to be fine afterward, this might mean that he has an especially strong stomach. 

However, you still can’t trust him around fish food or other products made from seafood after that.  

If you are sure your dog likes fish foods but doesn’t have any in the house already, it’s probably a good idea to throw out all of your vitamins and supplements containing fish oil (which means most things). As long as these items aren’t being used anymore, there isn’t much point in leaving them where dogs have access to them!

The same goes for the leftovers from human meals if they include fried chicken or anything else with fish inside.  

Although some dogs love these things and won’t eat them unless the owner is eating them too, most dogs don’t like the smell of fish and won’t eat anything that smells like it.

Canned Tuna Is An Even Bigger Deal!

Even a bit of canned tuna can be toxic for your dog to eat!  

Cats aren’t very likely to get sick from it since they have shorter intestinal tracts than dogs do but if you’ve ever seen how much tuna an average cat eats in one sitting, you know that even just a tiny bit can cause trouble for a dog.  

Dogs are especially sensitive to mercury and other toxins found in the guts of many kinds of fish and this is why it’s better not to leave cans around where they might get into the food inside.


It’s important to keep fish food and other products made from seafood as far away from your dog as possible. 

If he has had any kind of reaction or is at all likely to, make sure you keep him away from all kinds of these foods. Contact the vet right away if you think your dog has eaten anything bad and especially if he seems sick! 

It might take a day or two until symptoms develop but it’s better to be safe instead of sorry!

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