When your dog eats grass seed it is important to be aware of the potential health risks.
If you suspect that your pet has eaten grass seed, then you should attempt to determine how many seeds they ingested and also whether or not the blades were coated with chemicals. You should also take them to the vet as soon as possible.
Without treatment, grass seeds can lead to severe side effects and even death!
- Will Grass Seed Hurt Dogs If Eaten?
- Can Grass Seeds Kill Dogs?
- How Do Dogs Eat Grass Seed?
- Can Dogs Be Poisoned By Eating Foxtail Weed?
- Is It Safe To Seed Grass With Dogs?
- Where Do Dogs Get Foxtail?
- What Are The Symptoms Of My Dog Eating Too Many Grass Seeds?
- What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Grass Seed?
- What Should I Avoid If My Dog Ate Grass Seeds?
- How Long Until My Dog Will Recover?
- What Is The Recommendation About Keeping My Dog Away From Areas With Grass?
- What Is The Best Dog-Friendly Grass Seed?
- Is Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Safe For Dogs?
- Conclusion
Will Grass Seed Hurt Dogs If Eaten?

Yes, if eaten, otherwise known as a foxtail in medical terms, grass seed can cause serious health side effects and even death without treatment.
If eaten, these seeds can cause an intestinal obstruction which results in vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea. A nasty infection may also arise so it is best to bring your pup as soon as possible for a quick examination.
Grass seeds have hooks that latch onto the lining of your dog’s intestines resulting in severe pain and inflammation. The ingestion of grass seed by dogs can be fatal so it is important to take them in right away if they have been snacking on some greenery outside during their walk.
Grasses are comprised of different types of chemicals but only chemicals with cytotoxic properties will lead to poisoning when ingested such as that found on a foxtail or in grass seed.
Can Grass Seeds Kill Dogs?
If untreated, yes. Grass seeds can block the small intestines and if not taken care of immediately, an obstruction can lead to a dog’s death.
How Do Dogs Eat Grass Seed?
Dogs tend to graze on grasses while out for walks or when they are given their own area to play in at home. They may accidentally swallow leaves, blades, or even seeds while eating or chewing on them which could cause an intestinal obstruction if ingested.
Can Dogs Be Poisoned By Eating Foxtail Weed?
Yes! Foxtails contain what is called “cytotoxic” chemicals that are toxic to your dog’s intestinal lining and result in vomiting diarrhea and abdominal pain if ingested but it takes a substantial amount of these chemicals to poison your dog.
Is It Safe To Seed Grass With Dogs?
It is not recommended to seed or grow grass in a yard if you have a dog as they may ingest the seeds and suffer from an intestinal obstruction.
Where Do Dogs Get Foxtail?
Foxtails are found in several places such as fields or unkempt areas where they grow among regular weeds. They can also be found along roadsides near lakes, ditches, fences, and hillsides.
Dogs will often find foxtails inside their yards from dried flowers from the previous year which can be easily picked up by your dog if not cleaned away from the yard.
What Are The Symptoms Of My Dog Eating Too Many Grass Seeds?

If your pup has eaten grass seed, then you should monitor their behavior and if they begin to show any sign of discomfort such as restlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, or abdominal pain then it is recommended that you bring them to a vet right away for treatment.
The most common signs of dogs that have eaten too many green blades include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Restlessness
- Abdominal Pain
- Irritability
If not treated immediately then these side effects can lead to severe health concerns.
In extreme cases, some pets may encounter an intestinal obstruction where the grass seeds latch onto the lining of their intestines resulting in severe pain, inflammation, and even death.
Grass seeds can also cause infection and damage to your pup’s intestines requiring immediate treatment by a veterinarian.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Grass Seed?

If you suspect your pet has eaten too many grass seeds then it is important to take them to your vet for an examination as soon as possible. Your vet will attempt to determine how many seeds were ingested and whether they have coatings of chemicals that may lead to poisoning when consumed.
If the blades are coated with some type of chemical then you must be forewarned that these chemicals are toxic and even fatal if ingested. Treatment will consist of intravenous fluids and antibiotics if needed, depending on the severity of your pup’s symptoms.
Within a few days, your pet’s symptoms will subside and in some severe cases, they may need to stay at the hospital for observation for up to 48 hours.
If you notice any abnormalities in their behavior or that they seem lethargic then it is important that you contact your veterinarian immediately.
A quick consultation at home can prevent future damage so it is important to be aware of the signs of poisoning and know how long it takes for symptoms to appear so treatment can begin as soon as possible.
What Should I Avoid If My Dog Ate Grass Seeds?
While there are no specific precautions with handling your pup if they have eaten grass seed, you must be aware of the severity of your dog’s symptoms which may require immediate veterinary attention.
Do not contact your veterinarian if you do not see any symptoms of poisoning or if the ingestion was minimal.
If not treated, grass seed can be very toxic to your pet and even fatal so it is important to monitor them closely for several days after they have ingested some blades of green during their walk, in case they may need treatment.
Despite the name ‘grass’, these seeds are capable of causing damage to your dog’s internal organs so it is best to observe them for several days after eating those pesky seeds!
How Long Until My Dog Will Recover?
If your pet has eaten grass seed then there will be no permanent effects but it still may take a few days before they feel completely back to normal.
The severity and amount of seeds ingested as well as the type of chemicals are what will determine how long recovery time is and whether your pup will need to be monitored by a vet.
Avoid your canine from ingesting grass seed during their next walk, if they have been treated for ingestion then keep them away from fresh blades that may lead to further complications.
Green blades can cause gastrointestinal obstruction and even death so it is important to understand the risks associated with walking through tall grass or brush where these seeds tend to hide!
If you suspect that your dog has ingested some blades of green in their mouth or accidentally ate them then bring them in for treatment right away since immediate action can save their life.
It’s ironic that we’re trying to prevent our dogs from eating grass when after all, the grass is meant to be eaten!
If your dog has ingested any blades of green then you should consult with a veterinarian for treatment and advice on how to prevent this from happening again.
What Is The Recommendation About Keeping My Dog Away From Areas With Grass?
Most people I know are not able to do that except when they go inside their homes, since dogs are naturally packed animals so once outside it’s very hard to keep them indoors unless you have a fence or gate preventing them from getting out.
I personally think it’s more about walking carefully through long grass rather than stopping my dog from taking an interest in eating the grass itself.
My favorite place to walk our dogs at night time is by the seafront where there are parks full of tall grass, it’s very pretty and relaxing but we have to be careful as we walk because a lot of our dogs like to investigate the long grass for any smells that they can pick up.
What Is The Best Dog-Friendly Grass Seed?
If you are looking for a grass seed that is safe to have around dogs then consider using fescue or rye.
These types of grasses are supposed to be safer and less likely to cause any side effects in your dog but always keep in mind that even these may still stimulate an intestinal obstruction so it is best not to risk it by allowing them around the yard if your pet goes outside.
Is Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Safe For Dogs?
Yes, it is safe for dogs. Scotts Turf Builder Grass seed generally doesn’t cause any digestive upset in dogs and can be used to replace the lawn in your yard that’s full of weeds.
It’s a good way to turn your dog’s outdoor space into something they’ll love with fewer weeds than you’d get if you simply planted seeds!
If your dog has eaten some grass seed then they will need a visit to the vet for treatment.
Improper digestion and ingestion of these seeds can lead to serious side effects such as digestive upset, vomiting, partial or complete intestinal obstruction with dehydration!
While your dog recovers from their illness you should keep them away from long blades of green so they cannot repeat the same mistake again.
Scott’s turf builder is an inexpensive product and is generally safe for dogs despite what other companies claim about powdery mildew destroying plants that are near those who have ingested these grasses, just remember if you use it in your backyard be sure not to let your pup around until it’s been dried out completely!